Let me ask you a question. Do you think Putin and Xi are "unaware" of the developing Climate Crisis?

There is a LOT of evidence that Putin has been aware the Western "Mainstream" Climate System Paradigm was WRONG since the early 00's. This makes sense, sixty-five percent roughly two-thirds of Russia is permafrost. The Yedoma permafrost in North East Siberia is rich in organic carbon, being responsible for one-third of the total organic carbon on Earth (Altshuler, Goordial, & Whyte, 2017) AND is one of the FASTEST warming spots on earth. Having warmed +8°C since 1979.

Putin has known for awhile that Arctic Amplification was much higher than the "less than 2X" that GISS came up with in 1998. The implications of that are that Climate Sensitive is in the +4.5°C to +6°C range of the Alarmist models for 2XCO2. Putin has known for awhile that the "western mainstream climate models" are crap.

031 – If you suggest that the war in Ukraine is related to Climate Change, people tell you Putin doesn’t care about “Climate Change”. People are idiots.

In 2021, after Biden rebuffed China on the "Trump Tariffs", Putin and Xi met in Siberia. They signed a treaty about a "moonbase". Then Xi went home and bought up 50% of the world's grain reserves. Enough to feed China for 18 months.

Putin must have said something pretty damn convincing.

Everything Putin and Xi have done since then can be seen as preparation for the "First Climate Shock" that's about to happen. All of the "economy" stuff is just for show. Xi is preparing for Collapse.

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I agree with you. World leaders know what I know, and more.

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Another reason for the European economies tanking is the domino effects of President Joe Biden blowing up the Nordstream Pipeline.

When he followed through with his threat to stop the flow of gas through Russia and Germanys pipeline, he effectively blew up the European economies, especially Germany's. The fact that Germany said nothing about this economic terrorism proves that it is a vassal state. I lived in Germany when the wall came down, US soldiers have been occupying Germany since 1945, it's not a sovereign state.

The USA seems impervious to the "Law of Unintended Consequences."

Guy has made this video because of its consequences on the Aerosol Masking Effect, what Dr James E Hansen called "Our Faustian Bargain".

I'll drop my blog post titled "The Aerosol Masking Effect, a Deep Dive into Our “Faustian Bargain”, below for further reference below.


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“Another reason for the European economies tanking is the domino effects of President Joe Biden blowing up the Nordstream Pipeline.”

We ridded ourselves of the Biden problem. I suspect we will be exposed to many additional problems, courtesy of the Trump administration.

Thank you for sharing my work and adding to it, Kevin. I very much appreciate your collegiality.

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