I'm unsure whether this is another "Feeback Loop" or a "Back Swan"

Either way it means our predicament is worse today than we knew yesterday! A recurring theme!

Added below, thank you sir!

I'm unsure whether this is another "Feeback Loop" or a Back Swan"

Either way it means our predicament is worse today than we knew yesterday! A recurring theme!


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My dear friend Tim Clissold asked" A concerning article. But interesting use of the word ‘inorganic’ carbon. Organic chemistry includes carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Hard to see how any carbon molecule can be deemed inorganic?"

At least you are triggering intelligent discussion Prof'.

I replied with the article below

You still have students Guy!


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This is very good to know, Kevin. Thank you!

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“Worse than yesterday” is our common expression. Just when I think it cannot get worse, more data are revealed.

Thank you for your informed comment, Kevin. Thank you, too, for restacking my post.

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Thank you for your informed comment, Grant. The more we look, the worse it gets. Like you, I can’t stop looking.

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