Jul 30Liked by Guy R McPherson

Thanks very much for your work, Guy. A mass movement for regeneration would help. Such a movement could be precipitated by a clear and pervasive ad campaign that both exposes the crisis and points to regeneration.org, a compilation of regenerative approaches to all ecosystems.

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Does the Naval Post-Grad. School continually revise their sea ice estimate on is only issued in April?

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It’s revised nearly each weekday

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As a sailor I have made heaps of errors interpreting the evolving weather dynamics, it comes with the territory! I sailed into a cyclone once, only once, never again.

I lost a few races by being over cautious with the vessel in heavy seas, we didn't win, but we didn't sink or break the boat either!

Guy and I follow the "Precautionary Principle" where we plan for the worst, it's partially why we're both still here.

If where right, the ecosystem is toast in the next few years, sorry we can't be more exact: If we're wrong on our timelines so be it, we might stumble along a bit longer or not. I doubt it, with the rate of change we're witnessing, records aren't just being beaten, they are being destroyed!

The critical detail is we've destabilized the atmosphere, we're carrying out an experiment never conducted before, bear with us as we give it our best shot!

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Thank you for your informed, informative comment, Kevin. Your life as a sailor allows you to comment intelligently.

With luck, and a lot of it, we have a few more years with habitat for humans on Earth. Who could ask for anything more?

In addition to your comment, thank you for restacking my post.

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Jul 29Liked by Guy R McPherson

Bill -- if you read this....The weather forecasters in my area of western Oregon are constantly changing the DAILY forecast...doesn't it seem like it is a lot harder to predict for the entire planet? And you might look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change#2020s which shows just how many scientists do believe that climate change is caused by human activity. Why no data after 2021? Why would one need to ask them again if 90+% have already said we are causing this change?

Guy, sorry you have to deal with these things, and I am sorry that there are people with their heads buried somewhere that they cannot see nor accept the truth. It really doesn't matter "when" the extinction comes - your point is exactly correct is that this could have been prevented. So much suffering, that is happening right now across the world to humans and all forms of life, could have been prevented. Thanks for all you do and hang in there.

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It is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the weather even a few hours in advance. This is yet another consequence resulting from abrupt, irreversible climate change. Even the designed-to-fail IPCC admits we are experiencing the most abrupt event in planetary history, and that climate change is irreversible!

Thank you for your informed comment, Mez. It’s a rare “bright spot” in my day.

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